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In our future plans we had included the making of a game that by pressing a button would push us up to a higher level than a human can manage. This makes our construction dangerous, so there was an immediate need to make a mechanism that would keep us safe during the trial of this project.

Therefore, we made a mechanism that has a strap of 15 metres that is able to lift 1 ton and it is rolled up in a metallic cylinder. This metallic element has a ratchet gear in one side, two bearings at its center and a spiral spring at its frontal part. In this way, when the person pulls the strap, the strap is unfolded making the spring stretch. While leaving the strap, the spring spins the cylinder and the strap is refolded to its initial spot. This cylinder was placed in a metallic cylindrical box, on which the mechanisms are located for the construction’s use.

On the one spot we put the electric trigger and when it is pressed enables the cylinder to move so that the strap will be gathered in our construction. Thus, the user unfolds the strap and moves easily and when it is necessary he presses the button and the mechanism starts rolling the strap up. The other mechanism is applied on the ratchet gear and with the use of a spring allows the strap to move only towards one direction.

Therefore, summing up what we have mentioned above, we understand that we made a construction that will be placed on a very high spot. Then, we are going to deactivate the rachet mechanism, unfold the whole strap that we need and we are going to arm our electronic trigger and the rachet mechanism. In this way, we are going to fasten our seatbelts on the strap. Using our future construction easily in the space that we decide to be pulled up high, the mechanism will be activated electrically and the strap will be unfolded up to the level we reach.

Afterwards, during the landing the rachet mechanism will prevent the strap to unfold so that we will remain hung at the highest point that we have reached without hitting the ground. Therefore, we will be able to try the leap we want keeping ourselves safe. In conclusion, this construction inspired us to make other similar devices that we are looking forward to creating them.

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